What town are you from? (SuperSamC. and GabbingGabby)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Days at NJIT almost OVER?!?!?
Our days at NJIT are almost numbered. I feel like we have grown to be a family over the past 4 weeks we have spent together. I hope we all contine to post blogs on how we have been doing in school and on how we are doing! We should all stay in touch with eachother over the year so we can remember eachother when hopefully almost all of us return! I will truly miss everyone I have met this year! I hope to see you all next year too!
Over Night Trip!
I had so much fun on the trip!My group was awesome! I had a bunch of fun on the rides.But, Skyla I hope you are feeling better!The food was just alright to me, but over all I had fun on the trip!What did you all think about the trip? please post a comment saying what you liked about it and what you thought could have been better.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The sickest water rides ever !!!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
What do think of the dorm situation? For example do you think we should chose who we dorm with. Do you we should be with our friends?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Mr. -A-
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I am famous grammy winning singer Rihanna. My family calls me RiRi, but my real name is Robin Rihanna Fenty. I was born on Febuary 20,1988. I grew up in St. Michael, Barbados. I idolized Whitney Housdon, Mariah Carey, and my favorite Beyonce as a child now I am an idol. I debuted in the music bussiness with my single Pon De Replay. A few song on the way and here I am today, 23 years old going to sleep in a california king size bed and doing what I love singing.
NJIT Blues
I never thought that I would make such great friends at NJIT! I feel like I have made a tremendous amount of new friends here and I can say that don't want this experience to end! But lets face it in a few more day we"ll back to our normal summer routine! How are you going to feel when this Program ends? Happy because you dont ave to go to class? Or sad because you"ll miss your friends?
Our Overnight Trip Is A Few Days Away
I dont know about you guys but I"m super excited for our trip which is only two or three days away!! I want to know what you think the funnest part of the trip will be. America On Wheels?Living with a friends for the Night? Dorney Park? Tell me what you think!!!
How is NJIT?
How do you guys think of NJIT? Do you think you are going to stay until you finsh all the groups or are you going to leave? Hmmm think about???
Friday, July 22, 2011
School or NJIT
Everyone here has freinds and all but if NJIT was a school option would you attend it or would you continue to go to school. Same schedual we would have and feildtrips for those who prefer NJIT, teachers are all the same to.
Potter and Pooh
Harry Potter and Winne the Pooh opened on the same day who saw which one? who is a Potter head and who is a Child Pooh? Which one is better and why?
Roller coaster mania
Who is going to ride all coasters, who is going to ride some and who is not going to ride at all? WHo's romming with who, are they your best friends and if so who are they? Which is better waterslide or normal roller coaster
Mechanical Engineering
We have been doing so many things in mechanical engineering. We just finished making bridges and I was paired up with Chithma and we have a very strong bridge and I'm sure we'll ace that!!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Time Travel !!! :) !!!
Time Travel-
Pros Cons
· You can go fix a horrible * All of these things can affect
mistake or accident. the space time continuum and
life as we know it. It can affect it
· You can stop a tragic for the good or for the bad. You
events from the past. can’t really control what happens.
· You can go back and see
moments in history.
· You can know anything that
will happen before it happens.
What I'd do-
What I'd do-
If I had the power to travel in time I wouldn’t change anything because it can affect my life as I know it and I like my life and I wouldn’t want to change anything. Of course everyone makes mistakes and I would like to fix some but what would happen if I fixed my mistakes. It could be good or bad. I just couldn’t be sure.
There should be limits to time travel. Any little thing can affect what things are now for better or for worse. Like I said, you can’t control what happens so even though time travel may sound cool, it shouldn’t be played around with. It’s a sensitive thing and it can change your life as you know it. Time travel seems fun, but maybe we should wait until it can be controlled.
I never lie and I must say that the Femme6 program is having lots of fun! You people have good times and i hope that you, my people have a safe and very healthy time! In addition, I have been very surprised that many child have do not behave bad.... well now about me I have defended so many people, and I certaintly wouldn't want to see anyone that treats somebody else by how they look like I once said "the way people look does not matter, the only thing that matters is that you now them from the inside!"
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!
AAAAHHHHHHH!! I just can't believe that NEXT WEEK is the overnight trip to Pennsylvania (to the museum and dorney park)so Excited
NOWWW! Who's excited? Say I
NOWWW! Who's excited? Say I
Monday, July 18, 2011
Do you girls think their should be a dance at NJIT ? woulden't it be a good way to end the NJIT programs every summer?
Thanks for reading my post hope you like it.
Thanks for reading my post hope you like it.
Funny Stuff
What is the funniest thing you have ever seen? How funny was it in a scall from 1-10?Tell us all we want to laugh.
Excellent job bloggers... or shall I call you blogettes ? HAHA It seems to me that some of you are into this time travel business! To touch upon a larger subject... AN EXTREMELY LARGE SUBJECT ACTUALLY ... I would love to travel back to prehistoric times to observe and document the dinosaurs.. did you know that recent studies suggest that most dinosaurs were actually covered from head to toe with feathers? Perhaps thats why when scientists looked at the DNA of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.. its closest living ancestor today is the Ostrich.. how incredibly mind boggling ?! Lets get back to time traveling... did you know that the further away you are from earth the slower time is ? Have fun with the assignments ! Do not stress about the assignment due date.. if you have a time machine you will have nothing to worry about! If you do not.. it's due Thursday.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Next Year
This year was an AWESOME year ! I think this year was the best . Are some of you guys coming back and If there was anything you would add to this camp what would it be ??????????
THANK YOU! My final movie raised $43.7 million on the midnight opening and all day Friday! Thank you to whoever went to see the epic finale! Yoy are true POTTERHEADS! Thank you for sticking with the Harry Potter series for 10 whole years! You all are amazing fans! I know all of you fans will truly miss Harry, Ron, Hermonie, Draco, Hagrid, Luna, George, Ginny, and Neville. But, it doesn't have to end here. You can make this wonderful series last forever. By, reading it to your children, rereading the books, and rewatching the movies! But, most importantly, you will still have Harry potter world in Universal studios in Flordia. You will also still have Pottermore when it comes out on July 31st, 2011. Thank You all! But, just remember Harry doesn't have to be gone just because the movies ended!
Time Travel would be very instresting! It would make me very confused..... I think it should be real though. Some PROS would be:
You get to go back to see old relatives that died.
You can fix bad thing that had happened.
You can prevent some unnessary wars.
You can help somebody you weren't before.
And, Lastly, you can make more money than you already by going back to the time you were searching for a job.
Some CONS would be:
You might go back too far and turn into something you didn't want.
You can hurt other's feelings worse than you already did.
Space can be destroyed.
People can turn on you faster than before.
For me I would love to have the ability to time travel. But, I wouldn't want a big machine to travel in. I would want something like the "TIME TURNER" from Harry Potter. It is small, and a necklace so, you would be able to bring it everywhere with you. But, if i did have the ability, i would want to use it to go back and see family members that had passes away. I would also like to use it to stop silly wars. One last thing I would use it for is to put myself in someone else's place so I get hurt instead of them. But, I would only use the last one if I truly care for somebody.
Yes, there should be some restrictions. Like, if you want to go back in time to hurt someone, you wouldn't be able to do that. Another restriction would be that you would not be able to interfere with love. One last thing you would not be able to go back in time for is money. You can't go back in time to pick up money off the ground or to claim money that doesn't belong to you. BUT, that last one does not include jobs. You can go back in time to change your job if another offer comes up and you rejected it at first then change your mind.
Want NJIT to last longer!?!!
Who wants NJIT to last for 2 Months insted of just 1?! Just imagine how it will be?! more filed trips.. more learning... more experiments and for sure MORE FUN! :D
Math Test Tomm!! GOOD LUCK!!
Who think they will past this test :D? if so say I:)
Who thinks they will fail this test D:? if so say I:(
Who thinks they will fail this test D:? if so say I:(
Friday, July 15, 2011
Time Travel
Everyone has wanted to time travel in a point in their life. Maybe it was because of an accident tha occured or just for the heck of it! There are pros and cons to time travel, though.
that happened in history
-can relive moments in history -Can alter the space time contimuum
-can find murders, rapist, robbers, can solve unsolved cases ect. -can kill people, go on killing spree ect.
I would LOVE to travel through time. There are so many things that I regret not doing and doing. And it'd be awesome to pop up in the future or past.
I think there should be restrictions. What if someone goes back in time and make sure that the Allies didn't win WWII or maybe someone kills Ghandi thus not inspiring Martin Luther King Jr. And someone might go in to the future and make their own empire! It'd be a bad world...
I hope in the future time travel is possible and who knows maybe one of us will make it possible.
Everyone has wanted to time travel in a point in their life. Maybe it was because of an accident tha occured or just for the heck of it! There are pros and cons to time travel, though.
Pros Cons
- (something bad)can reverse what had happened in history - (something good)can reverse somethingthat happened in history
-can relive moments in history -Can alter the space time contimuum
-can find murders, rapist, robbers, can solve unsolved cases ect. -can kill people, go on killing spree ect.
I would LOVE to travel through time. There are so many things that I regret not doing and doing. And it'd be awesome to pop up in the future or past.
I think there should be restrictions. What if someone goes back in time and make sure that the Allies didn't win WWII or maybe someone kills Ghandi thus not inspiring Martin Luther King Jr. And someone might go in to the future and make their own empire! It'd be a bad world...
I hope in the future time travel is possible and who knows maybe one of us will make it possible.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I will play the roll of Albert Einstein a world renowned scientist, and create a screen name for myself… you will all complete 20 minutes of research on any historic/famous figure.. Whether it be a famous pilot .. CROSStheATL.. Amelia Earhart..Maybe you’re a fan of astronaut Buzz Aldrin..ShouldaBeen#1 or how about Paul Revere A.K.A. MidnightRider911 and create a screen name for that person.. You will respond to my first blog posted by Albert Einstein A.K.A. EggHeadE=Mc2, you must attempt to respond by commenting in character and try to spark a conversation.. Introduce yourself in the beginning with one of your greatest achievements.
Mr. Abbato (Remember to give yourself recognition for credit)
(Immigrant Albert Einstein taking the official oath before being granted citizenship in the U.S.)
EggHead= Mc2 :
Hello future scientists of America! My alias is Albert! I’m new to this blogging conundrum! Especially because …when I passed away, the Internet was non-existent! During my life, I revolutionized science with new theories and formulas. You could say.. I thought out of the universe.. I mean box ! HAHA.. For example: my theory of relativity. Ever wonder what it would be like to time travel? In theory it is quite possible! Perhaps by your day..you would have achieved this technological break through..
Time travel…
What an interesting yet extremely perplex concept..
Pros / Cons?
What would you do with the ability to time travel?
Should there be restrictions?
Is anyone else nervous? What do you think about these rides? I am terrified!
roller coaster
Look at this video of a ride in dorney park?
I'm so scared.
Leihigh University
Leihigh University looks like
a medival castle from the outside.
Is it creepy or cool for you?
Think about it, at night in a place like that. OOOOO, spooky.
a medival castle from the outside.
Is it creepy or cool for you?
Think about it, at night in a place like that. OOOOO, spooky.
Harry Potter fever
Everybody know the latest news on the new Harry Potter movie.
Who is interested in the new harry potter movie? If so please comment if you are going to see the new movie opening week. Please also answer some of these questions. Which movie in the series is your favorite? Which character is your favorite? What house would you want to be in?
shopping on fieldtrips !
Why is shopping on field trips so expensive? The little things cost five dollars and thats the cheepest! Do you guys think this is right??? Please commet....
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