What town are you from? (SuperSamC. and GabbingGabby)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I miss you all.

Hey girls!!!! I have made many new friends this year like Pamelaand Samantha. I have also spend a great time with everione ells.I have had one of the best summers ever. I will miss you all. Their's something about each of you that I will never forget. I hope that you all enjoy your summers and have a great school year. I hope I see you all next summer in femme 7. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

No More NJIT

It is Friday and there is no more NJIT. This is terrible, but the worst thing is that I don't get to see you girls anymore. You all know I will miss you all and thank you for signing my paper. Now I can hopefully remember all of you , but I definitely will remember you Victoria and Thairy! I will always remember Mari and Alexis  and Valerie and Sklya. And I will remember the rest of you too, I promise! And p.s. Sklya, that phone number kept sending me to voicemail and my email to all of you is peacegirl145@gmail.com. Tell me yours so we can keep intouch and/or your phone numbers!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Letter to all femme 6 girls and teachers

I will miss everyone SO MUCH! I HAD such a great experience meeting new people with different backgrounds and great ideas. Anyway ! I now have about 21 different friends that I was glad to meet!


Omg one day left lets make the best of it!!!!!!!!!

Bye Girls

It's lunch time LADIES! Today we have Baked Ziti. Enjoy your lunch.

5th Post =)

Thairy is our class photographer. :P She's taking a picture of every single Femme6 girls individually. This is all for our website. Her group is incharge of the Roster. Their page and all the other pages look very nice.

Are You coming back next summer?

THIs program is one of the best  and its so much fun hanging out with friends. Are you coming back?

What Group Are You Joining Next Year?

Are you going to stay in classic Femme? Do you maybe want to join ExCite? Or are you thinking of doing Ichime? Wait, are you coming at all or do you plan to just stay home? I hope not, I hope to see you here next year wether your in Femme7, Ichime, or ExCite!

Keep Your Grades Up!

Please keep your 2011-2012 school grades up. Good luck in Middle School and remember to apply to Femme7 for 2012. See you sooner than later. Love you all!!! <333 ;]

Farewell my NJIT Friends

This year has beem truly incredible and I say that from the bottom of my heart I will miss all you! I hope to see you next year and I hope we have a lot of fun just like we did this year! If anything keep in touch, I want to hear from you. Love, Arlene <3

Rides at Dorney

Steal force was the best ride especially the first hill, 250ft in the air and the drop just tickled me
Group Picture!!! This amazing picture was taken right outside from America On Wheels. We were waiting to get in since we got their just a bit early. Femme6 2011 Girls. ;]
We had a great time at the exhibit in America On Wheels.

Do you think Njit

Do you think Njit should be longer or shorter. If so why?
On a scale from 1 to ten 1 worst 10 best how did you enjoy the fieldtrip and what are you thoughts on the dorms
Home sweat Home
so so
Horror House

Computer Class

Femme6 is currently in Computer class with Mr.Cueto. We just finished taking our Post Test and most of the class got an awesome grade of 100%. Congratulations!!! At the moment we are working on the Femme6 website and my group is doing the home page. We hope you all like it! =]     

The End

the last day is tomorrow so sad,but i had a great time with everyone

Last Day of NJIT 2011

Be ready for the NJIT Graduation classmates! Good luck to all of you with your presentaions tomorrow. I'm 100% sure that you will all do an incredible job.

*This is my first post because my computer at home would not let me log in. :[  *

Monday, August 1, 2011


We've had some good times in NJIT and it's all coming to an end :(. Let's remember all the good times we had together!