What town are you from? (SuperSamC. and GabbingGabby)

Monday, July 18, 2011


   Excellent job bloggers... or shall I call you blogettes ? HAHA It seems to me that some of you are into this time travel business!  To touch upon a larger subject... AN EXTREMELY LARGE SUBJECT ACTUALLY ... I would love to travel back to prehistoric times to observe and document the dinosaurs.. did you know that recent studies suggest that most dinosaurs were actually covered from head to toe with feathers? Perhaps thats why when scientists looked at the DNA of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.. its closest living ancestor today is the Ostrich.. how incredibly mind boggling ?! Lets get back to time traveling... did you know that the further away you are from earth the slower time is ? Have fun with the assignments ! Do not stress about the assignment due date.. if you have a time machine you will have nothing to worry about! If you do not.. it's due Thursday.


  1. Mr.Abbato.. clever... I never would have thought you would do something like this with the whole dinosaur thing. But, alas I do wish I had time traveling.

  2. I didn't know that most dinosaurs were actually covered in feathers from head to toe. i gues its true when people say you learn somthing new every day. This has been the most fun asighment I have ever had to do.

  3. Mr. Abbato, I can't create new posts. I pressed home but I only get a sign in or create blog options. Also, every time I make a comment I have to complete a word verification.

    On another note, that is very interesting information. Dinosaurs and feathers, who would've known?

  4. My screen name is mysterious plane rider 441 also it's interesting how most dionsaues were covered with feathers head to toe

  5. DINAUSAURS AND FEATHERS!!!!! very interesting by the way i find the concept of time traveling so cool!!!!!

  6. Who knew that dinousaures were full of feathers imagine when the feathers fall the land is full with giant feathers and time traveling we could uncover some of the worlds greatest mysteries like EL Dorado location imagine a world without mysteries and mystakes.

  7. Cool, I never knew that until now. That is veerry interesting. You learn something everyday

  8. i wish i could have a time machine 2 go back and see the huge feathers of dinosaurs and admire their ways of life
