What town are you from? (SuperSamC. and GabbingGabby)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Before we begin today.. I would like to see what we have in common...

1) Favorite Hobby

2) Future Career Ambitions

3) Favorite Part About The Program

4) Pet Peeve


  1. 1)Dancing
    2)Social Worker
    3)Field Trip

  2. 1)Reading!!
    2)Lawyer for State
    3)Meeting new people and making new friends
    4)Bitting nails...:p

  3. 1. singing/dancing

    2. actress,laywer

    3. meet old/new friends

    4. people who invade my personal space

  4. 1. swimming
    2. I want to be an actor or a bussiness women
    3. Mechanical engineering
    4. annoying people

  5. 1) I like to sing, swim, and skate.
    2) When I grow up I want to be and architect.
    3) I like mechanical engineering and going on trips. I also like computers and multimedia.
    4) I hate when people repeat what they just said. UGGHHH!

  6. 1) Playing video games & drawing
    2) Pediatrician
    3) Field Trip
    4) People who lie

  7. 1) cheerleading
    3)dorney park
    4)mom talking to much

  8. 1)I love to sing in front of people and while I clean.

    2)I really want to become a dentist. My dentist does encourage me to own her office.

    3)I enjoy meeting new people and learning new things.

    4) I hate it when people put their fingers in my face.

  9. 1)Swimming
    3)Learning new things
    4)When people burp in my face!!!! DISGUSTING

  10. 1)Playing sports
    2)Kids Doctor
    4)Bugs,and crying little kids

  11. 1)playing bollyball
    3)playing sports
    4)hate when people bother you alot

  12. 1)My favorite hobby is designing and making clothes for me and my testing dolls.

    2)My future career is to be a famous fashion designer who also gives back to the community by helping out as much as i can ans donating and to help save the earth.

    3)My favorite part of the program is multimedia and activities and mechanical engineering.

    4) My pet peeve is when people are rude.

  13. 1) Basketball,Dancing, and Soccer
    2) I want to be an interior designer
    3) The fieldtrips and other activities.
    4) I hate when cats keep meowing in the middle of the night

  14. 1) Having fun
    2) Vet (I <3 animals)
    3) I love the speacials
    4) I hate dumb remixes to good songs on the radio!!!!!!!! ;(

  15. 1. Dancing
    2. I want to be either a Paranormal Investigater or a Photagrapher
    3. Getting to go on a cool trip
    4. My pet Peeve is when people talk about my friends or family.

  16. 1.play the clarinet
    4.people talking in my face

  17. 1- My favorite hobby is Danceing, reading and chilling with my firnds
    2-Im forward to being a docter
    3-My favorite part about this program is going on filed trips
    4-my pet peeve is when little kids cry

  18. 1. Favorite hobby- I enjoy doing many things such as reading, swimming, cooking, shopping, and listening to music and many other things. I also like watching movies. I am obsessed with Titanic and Transformers :P

    2. Future Career Ambitions- At this point it is still very difficult for me to decide what my future career should be. I would like to be a fashion designer, maybe an austronaut or a an actress.

    3. Favorite Part About the Program- I really Mechanical Engineering it is a very interesting course. I also enjoy all the activities that we get to do during our time at NJIT.

    4. Pet Peeve- Wow... I am truly a very picky person about everything. I don't like people calling my name over and over again. I don't like anyone touching my food :S I don't like it when people are over-the-top-loud.

    Femme 6 2011- <3 We'll have a great Summer Ladies :)

  19. 1) My favorite hobby is shopping. :)
    2) I want to be a Lawyer or Psychologist.
    3) I like the fieldtrips and making new friends.
    4) People who lie to my face. -__-

  20. 1)Indian Classical Dance
    2)Heart surgeon
    3)Math,multimedia,mechanical engineering
    4)People who try to scare me

  21. 1) Having fun
    2) Vet (I <3 animals)
    3) I love the speacials
    4) I hate dumb remixes to good songs on the radio!!!!!!!! ;(

  22. 1.my favorite hobby is to read
    2.my future career is to be a Pediatrician
    3.my favorite part of the program is meeting new people that share the same interest as me
    4.my pet peeve is when people make a joke about you that is not nice and when u do it they get mad at you

  23. 1) Drawing and Swimming
    2) Pediatrician
    3) Fieldtrips
    4) When peopole ignore me or keep repeating the same thing
