What town are you from? (SuperSamC. and GabbingGabby)

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Time Travel would be very instresting! It would make me very confused..... I think it should be real though. Some PROS would be:
You get to go back to see old relatives that died.
You can fix bad thing that had happened.
You can prevent some unnessary wars.
You can help somebody you weren't before.
And, Lastly, you can make more money than you already by going back to the time you were searching for a job.
Some CONS would be:
You might go back too far and turn into something you didn't want.
You can hurt other's feelings worse than you already did.
Space can be destroyed.
People can turn on you faster than before.
For me I would love to have the ability to time travel. But, I wouldn't want a big machine to travel in. I would want something like the "TIME TURNER" from Harry Potter. It is small, and a necklace so, you would be able to bring it everywhere with you. But, if i did have the ability, i would want to use it to go back and see family members that had passes away. I would also like to use it to stop silly wars. One last thing I would use it for is to put myself in someone else's place so I get hurt instead of them. But, I would only use the last one if I truly care for somebody.
Yes, there should be some restrictions. Like, if you want to go back in time to hurt someone, you wouldn't be able to do that. Another restriction would be that you would not be able to interfere with love. One last thing you would not be able to go back in time for is money. You can't go back in time to pick up money off the ground or to claim money that doesn't belong to you. BUT, that last one does not include jobs. You can go back in time to change your job if another offer comes up and you rejected it at first then change your mind.

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