What town are you from? (SuperSamC. and GabbingGabby)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


     I will play the roll of Albert Einstein a world renowned scientist, and create a screen name for myself… you will all complete 20 minutes of research on any historic/famous figure.. Whether it be a famous pilot .. CROSStheATL.. Amelia Earhart..Maybe you’re a fan of astronaut Buzz Aldrin..ShouldaBeen#1 or how about Paul Revere A.K.A. MidnightRider911 and create a screen name for that person.. You will respond to my first blog posted by Albert Einstein A.K.A. EggHeadE=Mc2, you must attempt to respond by commenting in character and try to spark a conversation.. Introduce yourself in the beginning with one of your greatest achievements.

Mr. Abbato (Remember to give yourself recognition for credit)

(Immigrant Albert Einstein taking the official oath before being granted citizenship in the U.S.)

EggHead= Mc2 :
        Hello future scientists of America! My alias is Albert! I’m new to this blogging conundrum! Especially because …when I passed away, the Internet was non-existent! During my life, I revolutionized science with new theories and formulas. You could say.. I thought out of the universe.. I mean box ! HAHA.. For example: my theory of relativity. Ever wonder what it would be like to time travel? In theory it is quite possible! Perhaps by your day..you would have achieved this technological break through..

Time travel…
What an interesting yet extremely perplex concept..
Pros / Cons?
What would you do with the ability to time travel?
Should there be restrictions?


  1. when is this due??? this week or next week??

  2. Gotcha!!! By when? And can we use any person we want

  3. is this assigment due this week or next week

  4. Don't you remeber what he said in class? It is due by next Thursday!

  5. EgyptianQueen69-30July 15, 2011 at 9:35 PM

    My screen name is based on Cleopatra VII the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty. She was a strong, independent, intelligent women and she became ruler of Ancient Egypt from 59B.C. to 30B.C. Talk about girl power!

    Hello everyone. I am Cleopatra of Alexandria, Egypt. I am most facinated about all these new inventions. Instead of my pyramid I am inside a squared building topped with a triangular roof. Especially this thing I am typing on that people have told me is a com-put-ter. It is powered by el-ec-tri-ci-ty. Well, I will talk about myself. I have four children one with Caesar and three with Mark Antony. I was queen of Egypt and my two brothes Ptolmey XIII and Ptolmey XIV were my husbands as tradition. When Ptolmey XIV died mysteriously I made my son, Caesar's son, Caesarion king of Egypt. I brought prosperity and peace to a bankrupt and civil war split empire. I commited suicide on August 12, 30B.C. after my beloved Mark Antony did the same.

  6. KillerKara-
    I am writing as J.K. Rowling. She is the writer of all 7 Harry Potter books.


    Hello, I am J.K. Rowling. I wrote all seven Harry Potter books. My full name is Joanne Kathleen Rowling. I started to write the first Harry Potter book on scraps of paper in a small local cafe. During the time i was a struggling single mother. At first the first book was named Harry Potter and The Phlsifer's Stone. At a later date I changed it to Harry Potter and The Sorcer's Stone.

    The first book was published and ready for sale in 1997. I was extatic with the way the sales have been. I was even more so happy when I found out that Warner Brother's wanted to make my book into a movie. While the movie was being shot I published my second book in the series, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. The movie started to shoot in 2000.

    The first movie was shown in theaters in 2001. I was happy with the entire cast. But, Draco Malfoy wasn't originaly played by Tom Felton. Draco was going to be played by Emma Watson's brother Alex Watson. They were not blood realtd. Alex was adopted. It was about a month to two months before the movie started to shoot when the company found out about Alex's past.

    Imediatly the company decided to fire Alex. Then they had to rcast the part or Draco Malfoy. They had decided to go with Tom Felton. This I was happy wth. Tom is a very nice boy. Then, in 2001 the movie finally came out. Iwas extatic with the outcome.

    Oh, EgyptianQueen69-30, I am very happy that you found out about the internet. I will have a jolly time talking to you. But, what a shame. You killed yourself. It would have been lovelly if I was able to meet you if you hadn't died. However, how has your day been?

  7. EgyptianQueen69-30July 16, 2011 at 9:43 PM

    To J.K.Rowling:
    My day has been amazing thank you. How was your day? It is a shame I did kill myself before meeting you but even if I hadn't I would've been killed by Octavian, most likely, or died of natural causes thousands of years ago. I would like to learn more about this Harry Potter you speak of sounds very interesting. I feel as if I should read it!

  8. To:

    My day has been wonderful too. My new movie that had just come out raised $43.7 million just over the midnight show and all day Fridy! But, you deffenatly should! It is an amazing story! Also, after you read each story you should watch the movie that goes along with it! They bring the story to life even more than it already is!

  9. Poetry Supreme E.M.July 20, 2011 at 2:55 PM

    I'm writing as Emily Dickinson, one of the famous poets of the 1800s. She wrote over 1,700 poems. She wrote what she felt and she felt what she wrote. She was herself and nobody else.

    Poetry Supreme E.M.-
    Hello I am Emily Elizabeth Dickinson. I was born on December 10, 1830 and died May 15, 1886. I attended Amherst Academy(1834-47)and Mount Holyoke Female Seminary(1847-48). I was incomparable and different from other poets because I didn't follow the poet's rules, as they were called, in my time. Barely any of my 1,700+ poems were published and if they were, they were changed dramatically because of my style of poetry. It wasn't until I was dead that my poems really started to get out to the public and look at me now, about 130 years later and my poems are still famous. This has been interesting using this "computer". I have never "blogged" before. Pardon me but these are all new words I have never heard before. It's been a pleasure.

    Emily Dickinson

    VictoriousValerie- She truly is the poetry supreme.

  10. The_Mother_Of_Freedom_MovementJuly 20, 2011 at 6:27 PM

    I am Rosa Parks.I am a little rusty because I have not use the internet since before I died but I think I got the hang of things. My full name is Rosa Louise McCauley Parks. I was born in February 4, 1913 and died October 24, 2005 at age 92. My profession is a civil rights activist. I am known for The Montgomery Bus Boycott which was a campagin that protested against segregation of race from African American and white people. I also refused to take an order from a bus driver that wanted me to give up my seat for a white passenger.I have been called "the first lady of civil rights" and also "the mother of the freedom movement".

    Pros Of Time Travel
    -no mistakes
    -win the lottery
    -you can prepare yourself for anything bad
    -you can skip all your years of school and still have the knowledge
    -would not have to wait in line

    Cons of Time Travel
    -the world would be perfect
    -you could die when ever you wanted
    -you would have to repeat things over and over
    -you could not learn from your mistakes
    -if you travel to the future you could miss a lot of memories

  11. Superb Sam-

    I am Martin Luther King Jr.I was born on January 15, 1929 and then assinated on April 4, 1968 age 39 (very young). I am the prominent leader of the Civil Rights Movement. I am often presented as a heroic hero in the history of modern American liberalism and a legendary speaker. I worked for racial equality and civil rights. I also gave a speech called "I Have A Dream" which says that all men and women should be created equal no matter the color of there skin. People should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of character. This speech was delivered on August 28,1963. Now we honor this on the third Sunday of January.

  12. Englishruler
    Queen Victoria

    OOO what is this called I belive it is called the Wireless Internet ooo this is better then writing in parchment. Albert will love this and I think you will answere me imediatly, why this is better then writing a letter qas to speaking with you internet heads I should love to read a Harry Potter book and as a matter of fact I did see the last movie and it was a jolly good show well done Rowling, as for Cleopatra I should really like to talk with you about ruling a country I think yiu can give some good advice on how to rule a country. Emily I should find reading one of works should be quite interesting I love literature. Rosa good job with fighting in what you belive in and Doctor Martain I congratulate you for fighting against segregation. Albert Eignsstein a pro wold be finding undiscovered sites and changing, preventing bad things in the past but a con would be changing the past thus the future would be altered. There should not be restricting and I would live in the past.

  13. Mr.Abato my computer shut down on thurday unepectdly on Thurday due to power outtage apparrently to much power is bad anyway plese accept this.

  14. Hey Mr. A this is Atomic Alexis and I wasn't in New Jersey this weekend there was no signal for electronics where I was so can you please excuse me. I promise to have my "report" in by maybe friday if that is okay with you.

    Please get back to me once you have received this message.
