What town are you from? (SuperSamC. and GabbingGabby)

Friday, July 15, 2011


Time Travel
Everyone has wanted to time travel in a point in their life. Maybe it was because of an accident tha occured or just for the heck of it! There are pros and cons to time travel, though.
Pros                                                                                             Cons
- (something bad)can reverse what had happened in history            - (something good)can reverse something
                                                                                                       that happened in history
-can relive moments in history                                                         -Can alter the space time contimuum

-can find murders, rapist, robbers, can solve unsolved cases ect.     -can kill people, go on killing spree ect.

I would LOVE to travel through time.  There are so many things that I regret not doing and doing.  And it'd be awesome to pop up in the future or past.

I think there should be restrictions.  What if someone goes back in time and make sure that the Allies didn't win WWII or maybe someone kills Ghandi thus not inspiring Martin Luther King Jr.  And someone might go in to the future and make their own empire! It'd be a bad world...

I hope in the future time travel is possible and who knows maybe one of us will make it possible.

1 comment:

  1. If you read all of the Harry Potter books you will see that time travel is possible. And if Harry Potter is real, I should be getting my letter of acceptance sometime this month. I, believe that I am a wizard born into a muggle family.
