What town are you from? (SuperSamC. and GabbingGabby)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Time Travel !!! :) !!!

Time Travel-
                               Pros                                               Cons
·        You can go fix a horrible    *    All of these things can affect
mistake or accident.                 the space time continuum and
                                                        life as we know it. It can affect it
·        You can stop a tragic           for the good or for the bad. You
events from the past.          can’t really control what happens.
·        You can go back and see                           
moments in history.

·        You can know anything that
will happen before it happens.

What I'd do-

If I had the power to travel in time I wouldn’t change anything because it can affect my life as I know it and I like my life and I wouldn’t want to change anything. Of course everyone makes mistakes and I would like to fix some but what would happen if I fixed my mistakes. It could be good or bad. I just couldn’t be sure.


There should be limits to time travel. Any little thing can affect what things are now for better or for worse. Like I said, you can’t control what happens so even though time travel may sound cool, it shouldn’t be played around with. It’s a sensitive thing and it can change your life as you know it. Time travel seems fun, but maybe we should wait until it can be controlled.


  1. If I had the power to travel back in time I would go back to ancient greek times and live among them and I would live in the eighteen hundreths in Engalnd to see Queen Victoria!

  2. Oh, that sounds really cool. I totally agree VivaciousVicky!

  3. that does sound cool dude
